Follow Your Heart by Andrew Matthews
I made it a point to buy at least 1 book (most of the time more than 1) every month, as soon as i receive my paycheque. My reading selection has evolved from mystery books like nancy drew to teenage books like high school romance. then to adult books like the shopaholic selections. However, for the past 2 years i've been reading a lot of motivational & self help books.. I believe that 'u are what u read!'.
The latest book that i read is tittled 'Follow Your Heart' by Andrew Matthews. He is one of my favourite author because of his laid back and simple, easy to understand, practical style of writing. One more unique thing about his writing is that he has 'in a nutshell' column at the end of every chapter. Therefore, when u need to revise, u can always go thru the nutshell instead of reading the whole chapter. I first read his book called 'Being Happy' when i was 11 years old. Then i got another book by him, called Making Friends. When everyone else in my class was reading Kuntum or Dewan Pelajar, I was reading about how to train your subconcious mind to always think positively so that u can attract positive things into your life. My mother is a psychologist, specialised in child psychology, hence the reading selections.
Anyhow, back to Follow your heart.. its an amazing book about finding purpose in your life and work. It teaches us to do what we love so that we can achieve total satisfaction in life. A lot of people in today's chalenging world are doing things that are expected of them.. A child often studies whatever the parents ask them to study so that the child can fulfil the parent's dream. the child will end up as a frustrated adult. He wont love his job and most probably wont be earning much money.
I'm not saying that you should start drafting your resignation letter now and become a balerina.. i'm just saying that you have 2 choices.. u can either change your attitude towards your job or u can change you job. It definately easier to change your attitude rather than your job. And the easiest way to change your attitude from hating your job to loving it, is by giving it your best.. work like the company is your. You give your best not because you need to impress people, u give your best because thats the only way to enjoy your work. As Kahlil Gibran would say, "Work is love made visible". You have to find meaning in your career.. sometimes people might say.. 'how can i love my job as an IT specialist, when i hate looking at the PC?' There is a clue about finding meaning in your career.. "THE JOB ISNT IT!" Whatever u do for a living is a vehicle to connect with people. Whether or not u are fulfilled depends on how u serve people. U'll notice something about good nurses- they like people even more than medicine.
Sometimes all it needs in this world s for u to be creative.. Look at everything as an opportunity, no matter what people say.. whatever is true now, wont necessarily be true in the future. What works today, may not work tomorrow. The only constant we have is change. Therefore, whoever can adapt and make the best out of anything will most likely be successful. For example,
In 1927, Harry Warner of Warner Brothers Pictures said: "Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?".
In 1943, Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM said: "I think there is a world market for about five computers".
In 1977, Ken Olsen, president of Digital Equipment Corp said: "There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home".
One particular story that i love from the book is about Julie. She is Andrew Matthew's wife. Julie has manicurist, Danielle who used to rent a corner of a hairdressing salon. When the hairdresser doubled the rent, Danielle was devastated. Then she piled all her nail polishes into a fishing tackle box, and started doing home manicure visits on her scooter. She's punctual, gives great service and she's booked weeks ahead. This goes to show that doing what u love doesnt have to involve years of training and big expense. It often grow out of apparent disaster and being able to adapt to changes and make the best out of it.
In conclusion, Always do more than u are paid for, and soon enough u will be paid for more than u do. Lagipun, kerja tu kan ibadat.. Fisabilillah!
Another interesting thing about the book is the review at the back cover of the book... "Remarkable, inspirational... FOLLOW YOUR HEART is a redeeming feature in the solitude of prison walls." by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, ex Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Hmm... interesting... I fully recomend books by this author for all to read!
Happy Reading!!
5 years ago