I was intrigued to find out about about bloggers freedom of speech as of late.
It is because a dear friend of mine almost got into trouble in the workplace because of the stuff he wrote in his blog. (mind you, he didn't mention any personal names, any company's name, nothing... he was just expressing his feelings and frustrations through his blog.)
To me, blogging is good way to express yourself, to let out some steam, to update on 'whats new' in your life. What the hell is wrong with that?
Aren't we all human? Don't we all have our 'down' times? Don't we get frustrated at times? Don't we all need some kind of outlet to get the steam out of our system?
Isn't blogging a better option as oppose to a killing spree?
I for one, am sorry about what happened to that friend. If you ask me, I still think its his right to write about whatever he feels in his personal blog. As long as no specific name or confidential events were mentioned and blown out of proportion..
So to that friend, you are a great writer. Your blog is fun to read and you have great number of followers. Keep on writing and enlightening us with your witty stories. To hell with them! What are they gonna do? Fire you? I don't think so. You are an asset to the company..
So keep on keepin on my dear friend!
Take care peeps..
Thanks for reading...