Saturday, February 2, 2008

YO YO YO!!!!

Hi peeps!!

Long time no see!! Its bee so so long since my last post huh?

Anyway, as most of u know, I've been extreamly busy with the new home and all.. However, I'm happy to say that we're all settled down now and the crib is gorgeous!! (hahaha.. its my home.. so i think i'm entitled for my own opinion..).

The only thing lacking is an internet connection. I know.. that sux!
Anyway, gotta go.. catch up with you all later!! take care gorgeous people..(take care to those who are not so gorgeous too.. hehe)

p/s: our house warming is coming soon.. but i'm seriously condering pot-luck la.. what dayya think?

7 comments: said...

pot-luck?? no issues there, i'll just bring the booze

Elle said...

Eh, show la some pics of your new abode. Want to see, want to see!

Wife, Mother and Daughter said... :

what booze? u mean sirap bandung with ais-krim soda? yum! but dont worry about it.. i'll prepare the drinks...

fabmama :

will do! i'm still compiling the 'after' pictures.. i will surely publish the before and after pics when i finish compiling.. (god knows when)

take care u guys!

@dR3h said...

picture.. picture.. pictureeeee.. show us your gorgeous crib bebeh.. ekeke.. bah cepat - cepat la compile tu..

nadya.s said...


weih,post la gambar sket wei..

aku okay je potluck, aku beli la mende2 dr kedai..nak masak,jauh skali laaa. u know me eh?

Izham Miyake said...

amik 3G la beb.

potluck nanti bagiktau la.. mana tau kot2 ada kat KL ke nanti ok?

Zetty said...

potluck is definitely the way to go babe. letih nak masak sendiri especially if ur guest list agak panjang.

plus, takkan nak sepahkan dapur rumah baru kannn hehehehe.